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Posted by GrivaMax Team on 02/06/2018 3
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It is extremely important to establish the real cause of alopecia for an effective treatment. Some factors can equally affect both men and women, and other can be applied only to men or only to women. In this article, we will talk about all the causes of hair loss. Common causes for everyone Poor nutrition … Read more

Causes of hair loss

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/12/2018 1
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We begin to accept the problem of hair loss and its treatment seriously only after we actually facing it ourselves. If you need to quickly learn about the causes and treatment of alopecia, this article is for you. Of course, it doesn’t provide encyclopedic knowledge, but it will help you to find answers and navigate … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12/22/2017 3
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Alopecia Universalis is a complicated form of alopecia– a pathological condition of hair loss in both men and women of different ages. It differs from other forms of alopecia and almost can’t be treated. The result is the total disappearance of hair on the head and body. According to the Orphanet website that has data … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 12/05/2017 4
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According to the specialists of the American Academy of Trichology and Dermatology, an average person loses between 50 and 100 hairs every day. Even though age, stress, and hormones can contribute to hair loss, there are some bad habits that can also harm your hair. Our hair requires constant care, just like the skin. Beauty … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 11/17/2017 4
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Hormonal disorders can lead to the development of androgenetic alopecia. This process has barely been studied. Sometimes it is called female or male pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia was considered to be caused by an excess of testosterone. This male sex hormone is also produced in the female body. Numerous studies have shown that the cause … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 11/10/2017 4
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Every woman dreams about long, thick hair. What if some of us are not so lucky when it comes to naturally beautiful hair? Many ladies solve this problem quite easily: they get hair extensions in professional salons. The hair extension process takes an average of 3-4 hours. The result can last from 2 to 5 … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 07/06/2017 2
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Baldness is a relatively common problem among middle-aged men. According to statistics, about 70% of the males after 40 suffer from various degrees of baldness. Even in ancient times, the problem of baldness was affecting men. There was a belief that you could get rid of baldness by ringing a bell over the head of … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 07/05/2017 5
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Modern medicine considers baldness to be a disease, characterized by hair loss on the head and persistent growth disruption of new hair. Baldness is not just a cosmetic defect. The disease has a severe psychological impact on the self-esteem and personality of the patient, which negatively affects health conditions. Baldness can cause the development of … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 07/04/2017 4
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Hair product commercials guarantee us beautiful, silky, and shiny hair in a short time.The components providing this magical result are nothing more than acid-containing compounds called silicones. Silicone, also known as Dimethicone or Cyclomethicone, is a derivative of silicon that is found in glass, quartz, and sand. Silicone has been used in the production of … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/30/2017 2
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The appearance of gray hair is a problem that everyone will face sooner or later. Women are especially sensitive to the graying process, since beautiful and healthy hair is an important aspect of female beauty. Avoiding the graying is impossible, but some measures can prevent an early appearance of gray hair. Why does hair turn … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/29/2017 2
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Water affects the physiological and biochemical processes of all living things. Health directly depends on its quality. Let’s talk about how this fact can change our hair, and whether it can be the cause of baldness. Water has a life-giving power for hair In fact, life on Earth consists of a certain amount of water, … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 06/28/2017 5
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Most women strive to become compelling and perfect. Hair is one of the most valuable assets of any lady, but extreme hair care often leads to negative consequences. Beauty should not require victims From time immemorial, all poets and artists sang about the beauty of women’s hair. In the old days, there was a belief … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 06/22/2017 2
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Everyone faces the problem of their hair falling out, and this is quite a natural process. A healthy person loses about one hundred hairs per day. This can be seen on the pillow, on the comb, or in the bath when washing your hair. This process is part of the healthy hair growth cycle. The … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/21/2017 0
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Hair loss can be manifested in different ways, depending on the cause and current conditions. Since these reasons vary, it is important to understand what form of alopecia you are facing. It will help you choose the right treatment. Male pattern of hair loss (androgenic) This type is most common in men, although sometimes it … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/19/2017 2
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Ringworm is a widespread fungal infection. More than 90% of fungal infections in Europe and America are related to this disease. One of the characteristic symptoms that damage the scalp is focal alopecia (it starts about a week after the changes in the condition of the skin). It remains for a long time, in some … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/16/2017 3
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Dandruff can become an accidental cause of hair loss. White scales can also indicate other problems that cause baldness, for example, psoriasis or thyroid disease. That’s why it is important to understand the main cause of dandruff, and only then begin the treatment. What else can you do to eliminate dandruff symptoms? Healing Shampoo The … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/14/2017 2
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Many people are wondering if dandruff can be the reason of hair loss, and whether these two problems are related to each other. Let’s analyze this subject from the point of scientific knowledge and not prejudice. Dandruff: causes Dandruff (seborrhea) is the accumulation of peeled skin particles, sebum, and the products of yeast fungi activity. … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/25/2017 4
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The majority of men don’t pay any attention to their hair until they have problems with it. They begin to worry only when their hair quality is changing and the situation is getting out of control. After all the stresses and attempts to cover up the lack of hair with a well-chosen hairdo, we pull … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/18/2017 2
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About half of young mothers feel shocked for the first months after childbirth. The beautiful, thick, and shiny hair that women enjoy during pregnancy suddenly begins to severely fall out. Is this normal? Will the hair loss stop by itself? Is it possible to make the process less intense or completely eliminate it? Causes of … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/17/2017 3
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Baldness is not just a cosmetic problem – it might be also a signal of a serious health disorder in your body. Problems with the thyroid gland, such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, can be accompanied by increased hair loss. What should you do in this a situation? Get medical advice This is the first and … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/11/2017 7
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For a better understanding of the hair growth process, imagine a garden. If under the ground the roots are saturated with all the necessary elements and the growing process is going well – it will bloom and smell nice. Wendy Roberts, MD, a private practice dermatologist in Rancho Mirage, California, says that the result of … Read more

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