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Can Excessive Using of Flat Iron Cause Hair Loss?

Most women strive to become compelling and perfect. Hair is one of the most valuable assets of any lady, but extreme hair care often leads to negative consequences.

Beauty should not require victims

From time immemorial, all poets and artists sang about the beauty of women’s hair. In the old days, there was a belief that hair length is responsible for the person’s strength and power. Women’s long, shiny, healthy, and gorgeous hair still attract male eyes.

Some cosmetic procedures negatively impact our hair, causing its dullness and even hair loss. One of those traumatic methods is hair straightening.

According to statistics, every third woman and every fifth man straighten their hair with the help of special appliances, for example, flat irons. Beauty specialists insist that straight hair is always associated with style and elegance.

Why does this happen?

Hair loss can contribute to a number of factors that lead to complete or partial alopecia (baldness). One of these factors is straightening or lamination. Straight hair is always stylish, so many women try to make their curls perfectly straight, often at the expense of their health.

Straightening methods that negatively affect hair quality:

  • Thermal straightening with crimpers, straighteners, ironing, etc.
  • Chemical straightening with keratin and other chemicals.

Human hair consists of 80% keratin, 11% of water, and 9% pigments, lipids, and other constituents. Hair is resistant to external factors, but of course not to severe ones.

Hair loss during the 60–90 day of the telogen phase is considered normal. If hair falls out for natural reasons, then it has a thickening (mace) on its end. Trichologist will see this thickening as a good sign of the naturally finished life cycle of the healthy hair, which doesn’t require treatment.


If hair loss was caused by straightening with high temperatures or chemicals, the life cycle is disrupted, and the hair becomes brittle and thin. The hair follicle changes its structure and function. Damaged hair gets noticeably dry and has split ends.

To iron or not to iron

Hair is resistant to elevated temperatures up to 356 F. Under constant stress, hair structure changes due to the loss of water and other components, the protective layer is destroyed, which leads to dryness and dullness.

High temperatures negatively affect the hair structure and contribute to hair loss.

Following these rules will help you avoid the damaging process:

  • For straightening hair, use curlers and irons with ceramic coating. It will minimize the harmful effects of high temperatures.
  • Usually, thermal devices have multi-stage heating. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed 356 °F.
  • Never perform the procedure of straightening with high temperatures on wet hair.
  • If your hair is already damaged, exposure to high temperatures is not recommended.
  • Before using tools, you can apply hair straightening products that will reduce the risk of injury.

Why does hair fall out after chemical straightening?

Straightening with the help of chemicals and cosmetic products is getting more popular today, especially the use of keratin. After the procedure, some women notice severe hair loss, as well as a change in its structure.

Several factors can explain such changes:

  • Use of a poor quality product.
  • Improper after-procedure care, excessive care, or the use of shampoos without sulfate.
  • Use of electric curlers, hair dryer or iron during the first three days after the procedure.
  • The use of accessories such as barrettes and elastic bands, which break the already fragile hair structure.
  • Allergic reaction to components, which causes the destruction of hair follicles and skin inflammation.

If you are a fan of straight hair, but your locks are curly and you cannot imagine your life without straightening procedures, then you need to be extra careful in maintaining proper condition of your hair. Otherwise, your style will cost you the health of your hair and its volume. UVB lamps are successfully used to strengthen hair follicles and improve the structure of the hair (the GrivaMax Laser Cap 148 is perfect for this).

Posted by Kira Johnson on 06/28/2017 view count 1,196
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5 thoughts on “Can Excessive Using of Flat Iron Cause Hair Loss?”

  1. sarah mcartny says:

    I stopped straightening my hair because of severe hair loss. I do not even want to know what the reason was. I’d rather live with my curls.

  2. Anna Paul says:

    If I use Cap 147 and follow all recommendations can I still straighten my hair? Will hair loss still be reduced ?

  3. 吉武 ケニー says:

    My hair became very dry and dull from using flat iron. Now I plan to make keratin hair straightening. My hairdresser says that this is a very good procedure, my hair will be more elastic, shiny and healthy.

  4. Sawittee14 says:

    The results are impressive, making them feel more confident.

  5. Mira Stupar says:

    Nothing can be done if hair looks terrible without straightening. The point is to use special products with thermal protection.

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