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Side Effects of Hair Extensions

Every woman dreams about long, thick hair. What if some of us are not so lucky when it comes to naturally beautiful hair? Many ladies solve this problem quite easily: they get hair extensions in professional salons.

The hair extension process takes an average of 3-4 hours. The result can last from 2 to 5 months with proper care. The only requirement for this procedure is that the length of your natural strands are at least 5-10 cm. You can only improve your appearance with extensions if your natural hair is healthy and even lengthwise. Are hair extensions safe, and what are the side effects of the procedure?

Popular methods of hair extensions

There are hot-fusion and cold-fusion types of hair extensions. With the hot-fusion technique, artificial strands are attached to the natural ones using special resins. There is an English and Italian type of hot-fusion:

  • With the English type, the artificial hair is attached with a resin that is contained in a special gun, which releases it during heating.
  • The Italian technology allows you to attach locks with a help of keratin capsules sealed by a warm iron.

Any method of hot-fusion is accompanied by a thermal impact on the hair, which negatively affects its structure and can cause brittleness and dryness.


The cold-fusion method of hair extensions is safer. During this procedure, artificial curls are attached to the natural ones with the help of glue or special clips.

In addition to all the mentioned above techniques of this popular cosmetic procedure, hair extensions can be done with the help of a truss or a tape build-in method.

Contraindications and side effects of hair extensions

The hair extension procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • if the natural hair is weak and thin, or there are any signs of baldness;
  • when taking antibiotics or medications containing hormones;
  • in the case of vegetovascular dystonia.

There is another risk of getting hair extensions: artificial strands significantly increase the weight of the natural hair and create additional stress for it. Sometimes, hair gets tangled at bonding points. Extra weight, chemicals, and lack of nutrients damage natural hair, causing breakage and hair loss.

Not all women feel comfortable with hair extensions, which can cause discomfort at bonding points of the natural hair with artificial strands. Hair extensions require more complicated care.

If you still feel determined to try this procedure to add volume to your hair, be aware that you may need a hair restoration treatment in the future. It is impossible to remove artificial strands by yourself – only a professional can do this. After that, you will have to try different cosmetics and remedies to cure your damaged hair.

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 11/10/2017 view count 2,484
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4 thoughts on “Side Effects of Hair Extensions”

  1. Alcend cruz says:

    I wish I knew that a year ago. I removed my extensions and now I’m trying to restore my natural beauty after this procedure.

  2. Robert says:

    Is it possible to cure your hair after getting extensions? Did anyone try to do it?

  3. Mwaka Claire says:

    My hair in general began to look really bad after hair extension. It is too dry and weak. Now it needs a special care.

  4. sherell1208 says:

    I spent a lot of time repairing my hair after extension. It started to fall out intensively(

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