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Posted by GrivaMax Team on 02/20/2018 3
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This is one of the most important topics of our blog. Our daily diet is the very basis for the beauty of the hair. A well-balanced nutrition is a key to a healthy hair. You can’t achieve the long-lasting effect with the help of cosmetics and hairstyles. What should always be on your plate? What … Read more

Food for hair growth

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/12/2018 1
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We begin to accept the problem of hair loss and its treatment seriously only after we actually facing it ourselves. If you need to quickly learn about the causes and treatment of alopecia, this article is for you. Of course, it doesn’t provide encyclopedic knowledge, but it will help you to find answers and navigate … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 07/18/2017 2
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Sunflower oil is a non-volatile substance extracted from sunflower seeds, which is used in cooking and cosmetology. The balanced composition of the product makes it one of the most beneficial and popular product for everyday life. Sunflower is rich in vitamins A, C and E, as well as minerals such as iron and potassium. It … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 07/17/2017 6
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Amla (Indian gooseberry) is a small plant that grows in the country of India. It has yellow fruits the size of a plum, which is rich in nutrients that our body needs. In medical practice, they are used as a powder or oil to rejuvenate the skin and restore the structure of the hair. Amla … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 07/13/2017 3
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Baldness is pathological hair loss, which is characterized by partial or complete hair disappearance. The most common types are androgenetic, diffuse, and focal alopecia. There are three effective methods of treatment: low-level laser therapy, medicines, and hair transplantation. There is also information that red wine can help in treating baldness. Let’s find out more. Red … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 07/12/2017 4
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Hair is an important part of our appearance. In ancient times, hair was considered to be a source of energy and power.Poets and artists were inspired by beautiful hair. However, under the influence of certain factors, hair attractiveness fades. How to become the owner of the perfect hair? Hair types Each of us has a … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 07/05/2017 5
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Modern medicine considers baldness to be a disease, characterized by hair loss on the head and persistent growth disruption of new hair. Baldness is not just a cosmetic defect. The disease has a severe psychological impact on the self-esteem and personality of the patient, which negatively affects health conditions. Baldness can cause the development of … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 07/03/2017 4
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Beauty requires sacrifices – this phrase justifies the insane pursuit of perfection. Curling, laminating, or dyeing your hair can cause the development of numerous side reactions. If that happens, women begin to look for efficient and expensive methods of treatment, which leads to a vicious cycle. How can you help your hair with regular coffee? … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 06/27/2017 1
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Unlike the usual dates that are sold in the dried fruit section, tamarind is a different fruit with unique properties. The second name of the tamarind is an Indian date. It is commonly used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology. The ripe fruit is characterized by the sweet taste and wonderful aroma. Indian dates at different … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 06/23/2017 2
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The manufacture and sale of hair care products is one of the largest businesses that generates billions in revenue annually. This tendency can be explained by the fact that the majority of people hope to make their hair not only more beautiful, but also healthier by using hair products as often as possible. Shampoos, masks, … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 06/01/2017 3
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Rhythm and environmental conditions of our life can often become a reason for hair thinning and hair loss. There are not too many available and efficient treatment methods to fight the baldness. Advertised shampoos and masks that promise a solution for hair loss are not always effective. Search for alternative solutions shows impressive results. Scientific … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 05/30/2017 3
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Perhaps you will be surprised, but a regular onion that we use in cooking can actually improve the condition of your hair and stop hair loss. Of course, for many people it will be difficult even to imagine applying onion on the hair due to its specific and strong smell. However, it isn’t as bad … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 04/21/2017 0
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It might sound a little strange, but there is a popular belief that juice can prevent hair loss. Drinking juice, combined with taking some other measures, can have amazing results. Besides that, juice can change the pH level of cells, which would have a positive impact on the whole body. These recipes are considered to … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 04/20/2017 0
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It’s not a well known fact, but hair loss might be caused by an excessive amount of zinc in our bodies. Scientists have proven that the lack of zinc in our body can also cause different problems, which is why we should carefully control how much we consume. Importance of zinc for our health Zinc … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04/19/2017 0
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There is a myth about there being a connection between a low-carb diet and hair loss. It’s hard to prove one way or another, but you should consider a couple of facts: Hair loss can be caused by different things, such as a change in your diet. An abrupt decrease in calories, for example, with … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 03/24/2017 0
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The condition of a person’s hair is related to the general state of their health, regardless of gender. Nutrition affects health the most. Food can be the reason for thinning, dull, or split hair. It is a well-known fact that good health has a positive effect on hair growth. Quite often, the lack of healthy … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 10/21/2016 0
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There are some cases when converting into vegetarian can also cause a hair loss. Specialists are sure, that it may be caused by a dramatic body weight loss, change of the diet, thyroid problems, excess or lack of microelements (Iron, Zinc, Lysine). Global balding? There were a several researches in USA, Japan and Great Britain … Read more

Posted by Benjamin Ray on 08/15/2016 0
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According to trichologists and nutritionists, most important for the growth of new healthy and strong hair are the vitamins and nutrients that we get from food. Proper food helps to strengthen hair, prevent and even reduce hair loss. The best vitamins for hair loss can be found in whole foods, rich in calcium, iron, greens, … Read more

Posted by Alice T Cooper on 08/01/2016 0
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For normal function and preservation of hair, its bulbs (follicles), located in the deep layers of the skin, should receive an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen. Biochemical reactions necessary for the sustenance of the hair, are supported and activated in the presence of vitamins coming from outside. Now we can see why hair loss … Read more

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