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Posted by GrivaMax Team on 02/01/2018 2
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Science doesn’t provide answers for everything in the world, but it explains a lot, including hair. We have written several articles about hair structure and hair life cycles, origin, and types of alopecia, methods of treatment, etc. All our articles correspond with the modern level of scientific knowledge. This article is a brief summary of … Read more

Treatment of alopecia

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/12/2018 1
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We begin to accept the problem of hair loss and its treatment seriously only after we actually facing it ourselves. If you need to quickly learn about the causes and treatment of alopecia, this article is for you. Of course, it doesn’t provide encyclopedic knowledge, but it will help you to find answers and navigate … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12/26/2017 3
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The world market for hair care products should make 85 billion dollars in 2017. By 2021, it will reach a striking level of 94 billion. This fact is predicted by many experts. The increase in the number of hair care products does not improve the statistics. Today, more than 80 million men and women suffer … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12/22/2017 3
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Alopecia Universalis is a complicated form of alopecia– a pathological condition of hair loss in both men and women of different ages. It differs from other forms of alopecia and almost can’t be treated. The result is the total disappearance of hair on the head and body. According to the Orphanet website that has data … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12/19/2017 3
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Alopecia areata is a pathological hair loss. This is a common autoimmune problem that occurs in men and women of different ages and has its own causes and symptoms. Disorders of the immune system lead to unpredictable hair loss. Today approximately 2% of Americans have a history of alopecia areata. Almost 6.5 million of US … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 12/12/2017 5
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Almost every day you can find news about effective remedies against hair loss. In reality, it’s not so easy to find a reliable medicine even at doctor’s office. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are desperate to come up with a solution for baldness problem. More likely it will be very complicated, expensive and suspicious medicines. … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 07/10/2017 3
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Hair loss and baldness is a problem that affects not only adults, but also children. Alopecia is not only a cosmetic defect but also a psychological issue. Alopecia areata – what is it? This type of baldness happens when cells responsible for immunity attack the hair follicles. In other words, they see them as enemies … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 06/05/2017 2
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More and more people start to experience hair loss at a very early age. There are very simple and natural ways to stop and prevent this process. The three main keys are a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, and proper care. We will help you learn more about it. Wash your hair every other day Nobody … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 06/02/2017 3
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Hair transplantation is the last and ultimate measure in the fight against baldness. Consider this surgery if nothing else helps, or if it was suggested by a trichologist when other treatments are not successful. If you have almost made up your mind about taking this step, it’s time to check whether you took everything into … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 05/24/2017 3
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Baldness is a problem of many people. In this case gender doesn’t matter. Men suffer from the balding spots, women suffer from diffusive form of baldness. But this is a common situation. How to strengthen your hair and get rid of baldness? It is very important to understand what caused the problem. Is it related … Read more

Posted by Kira Johnson on 05/23/2017 3
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Therapy with apple stem cells is one of the newest methods in cosmetology and baldness treatment. Speaking about this method, we mean the PhytoCellTec™ technology, patented by the Swiss company Mibelle Biochemistry. What is this new combination of nature and science? Is it not just another advertised but inefficient product? History of the discovery Scientists … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/19/2017 3
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A large number of women secretly suffer from hair loss. They hide it with a new hairstyle, and experience many stresses. According to the American Hair Loss Association, in the US about 40% of women suffer from baldness. What causes hair loss in women? There are many reasons of hair loss: stress, constant struggle with … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/15/2017 4
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Stress is one of the main triggers of focal alopecia. We cannot fight our genes, but everyone can make their life more calm and healthy. Of course, the fight against stress will help you to not only save your hair, but also prevent many serious diseases and rapid aging. We hope that our simple recommendations … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/12/2017 2
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The human nature is interesting: someone’s balding head does not seem to us terrible, and even can cause an affection. But if we lose our own hair, it becomes a tragedy. There is no tragedy. You can fight with baldness without being emotional, or you can even keep living your life like nothing had happened. … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/09/2017 3
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Many trichologist patients are seriously thinking about hair transplantation. This is a fairly effective method, and in some cases, it is the only possible one. But not everything is so simple, because transplantation is still a surgical intervention. Let’s talk about all the pros and cons. Brief description of the procedure The surgeon takes healthy … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 05/05/2017 1
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Like any burning issue, hair loss generates a lot of superstitions, delusions, and prejudices. Some of them have real ground, while some can be classified as delirium. Let’s get rid of delusions about hair loss forever! Myth 1. Hair can fall out due to overexposure to the sun Yes, overexposure to the sun is harmful. … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04/28/2017 3
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Many women who have just become mothers and are still breastfeeding experience some hair loss. This is a normal process, which will slow down on its own. However, you can help strengthen your hair and prevent it from excessively falling out. What should you do to help your hair recovery? Take care of your hair. … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04/24/2017 0
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Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an active form of the male hormone testosterone. Excessive amounts can be the main reason for male baldness (androgenic alopecia). In several different forms, this disease can affect (mostly) men and women. Learn more about HMI index and how to find out the hair loss speed: DHT is an obstacle for … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04/18/2017 0
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Your health depends only on you, including the health of your hair. That’s why you can, and should, fight hair loss by yourself. Important: consult your trichologist first to find out the reason for hair loss, because it can be related to a serious disease (see the article “9 main reasons”). Only after seeing a … Read more

Posted by GrivaMax Team on 04/07/2017 0
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Despite the common opinion, not just men are likely to develop hair loss. Of course the causes of it will differ. The most common causes among men are metabolism disorders and hormonal changes. 2/3 of the male population on Earth suffer from baldness, which is why this subject is one of the most discussed topics … Read more

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 03/27/2017 0
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The hair mass index in an accurate measurement that allows you to calculate the amount of hair (volume, density) and thickness (diameter) on certain areas of the scalp. HMI is expressed as mm2 of hair per cm2 of the scalp. This index is very important for trichologists. HMI advantages Compared to photography and video microscopy, … Read more

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