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Just Drink It and Your Hair Will Grow

The problem of baldness has always existed. Today, hair loss affects about half of the 30-year-old men in the UK. Baldness is not harmful to the health and is it’s not a contagious disease. Hair loss affects only self-esteem and psychological state. Baldness can cause depression, mood swings and problems with social life. Today there is a number of available treatment measures including hair transplantation, drugs, and low-level laser therapy. These methods can be expensive and not always available.

Whey drink

New protein cocktail Help Hair eliminates all symptoms of baldness. The product should be available for sale in some stores in the UK in the nearest future. A whey drink costs £ 50 and contains unique ingredients which stimulate the hair growth.

treating baldness

The leading hair transplant surgeon and medical director of the Maitland Clinic, Edward Ball, approved Help Hair. A new therapeutic drink can be effective. Many studies and time are still needed. Some American and Belgian scientists are not sure about the quick result.

Help Hair contains:

  • niacin;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin B12;
  • biotin;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • chlorophyll and other vitamins and minerals.

The product contains zinc and iodine. All these substances have a positive effect on the hair follicles. Can they eliminate hair loss?

In 2016, protein cocktails had a bad reputation. They did not improve the condition of the patients but only made it worse, contributing to hair loss in people who had a predisposition of early baldness. Traditional protein cocktails can cause an anabolic state. Besides muscle growth protein drinks increase testosterone levels in the blood, when hormone turns into dihydrotestosterone. The drink does not improve hair growth, but only contributes to the development of baldness. Dihydrotestosterone binds to human hair cells and blocks the absorption of essential nutrients destroying follicles.

The popularity and effectiveness of the drink

Today the protein cocktail Help Hair still have no good reputation. Its effect is not proven. Although the product contains effective substances for hair growth. Studies and testings are being continued.

The protein drink is getting more popular. It is still not as effective as hair transplantation or low-level laser therapy. Laser therapy enhances the blood supply of hair follicles and stimulates the growth. This is a proven treatment when the effectiveness of protein drinks with baldness has not been proved yet!

Posted by Evelina Cosgrou on 12/15/2017
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5 thoughts on “Just Drink It and Your Hair Will Grow”

  1. Raman says:

    I really want to hope that it’ll work)

  2. Maca Zdravkovic says:

    I doubt it can completely stop a hair loss(

  3. facebook-1624536927822663 says:

    I believe that one medication can’t eliminate all the symptoms. In this case, you need a complex therapy)

  4. Moon Saha says:

    Nice product. I’m using this for a long time.

  5. Rah Ma says:

    Maybe there will be a result, but definitely not at once!

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